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We use advanced algorithms and shit to deliver jokes we know you’re gonna love. Whether you’re into Clean, Dirty, or just plain Dark Jokes, we’ve got you covered. Our 5-star rating system ensures that you get jokes you’ll love delivered to you on the daily.
There are all sorts of potentially offensive jokes in here. So if you're a prude, or into being politically correct, or you're part of the Cancel Culture, you should probably just move along.
That being said. We're not stupid! We don't condone racism...or Dad Jokes.
Our library of over 10,000 jokes has been hand-picked by some of the funniest, craziest, weirdest, and just plain deranged individuals we know.
It's sort of like Comedy Central and Netflix had a baby. And we jammed all sorts of artificial intelligence straight into that little baby brain and set it loose on the internet. Unlimited Screen Time!!!!